Male pattern baldness
Half of the men in the total population of the planet is facing a lifetime with the problem of hair loss, ie baldness. Some male alopecia begins to manifest after 50 years, and some of them are found to the problem after 20 years. If male pattern baldness occurs in old age, and in this case there is no pathological diseases or other causes of this, it is considered the physiological characteristics of the male body. If male pattern baldness manifests centers and the hair falls out completely - it indicates the development of the disease and should be diagnosed and treated after. Causes of male pattern baldness can have diverse origins - a genetic predisposition, such as the transfer of infectious diseases, chemistry therapy or rays of oncological diseases, stress, trauma, medications that cause hair loss.
Sometimes hair loss in men is focal and the hair falls out in some places. Alopecia areata starts its development with the formation of one or more foci of small size, which will eventually increase. The hair around the foci of alopecia will melt thin and sparse, and the place of the formed pattern baldness begin to sprout hair, which eventually also fall. If this disease is not the time to identify and begin treatment of alopecia, the hair growth in areas of education hotbeds may never recover.
For the prevention of hair loss at the present time there are a lot of cosmetic and pharmaceutical agents and, if male pattern baldness is not a pathological nature, it can be avoided.